Me & My Brother: Audio-&-Visual Performance

теґи: electronic, indie, me&my brother, visual art perfomance, Галя Руфус, кінопанорама, Юрко Коретнюк, концерт, перформенс, презентація
Початок: 11.09.2010 20:30
Закінчення: 11.09.2010 22:00
Місце: кінопанорама
Адреса: Київ, вул. Шота Руставелі, 19 (м.«Палац спорту», «Пл. Л.Толстого»)
Предмет події: концерт Кількість відвідувачів: 1

11 вересня о 20:30 в кінотеатрі Кінопанорама відбудеться концерт Me & My Brother за підтримки VJ Amanita (indie / experimental / other).

«Me & My brother» is a fusion of electronic music and visual art.

The band was created on July, 21 2009 in Kyiv, Ukraine, when brother and sister had become fucked up with their previous cooperations in different music bands and made a difficult decision to section the society off and lock themselves to have the music, thinking and seeing exactly that way they’ve got used to.

Inspired by anticipations of powers of nature and solitude inside of the artificial forest they had brought up in the midst of Kyiv city, «Me & My Brother» would never use «live» instruments, believing that everything has a part of a nature inside.

"Me & My Brother" lyrics are sometimes offensive, vulgar and brutal but, frankly speaking, these verbal vehicles are the only way to put hep straight to the audience on the problematic of tolerance to the environment, another kind of love, relations to self and others in every and all the separated aspect.

Sometimes they sound absurd, nonsense, broken and untuned as if they could have never studied how to sing and play music. One may find it unsincere, artificial and childish. «Me & My Brotherr» would never care. All they do they do for themselves without taking into the consideration advises, critics and opinions of others.

They are withdrawn and they are afraid of being uncovered. They are hiding in the shadows just because of fear to show themselves as is. Trusting that hiding will prevent them from becoming cocksure, they are constantly trying to focus on music and meaning they are about.

One shouldn't think that «Me & My Brotherr» is serious, ambient and considerable. Their music is a mix of dance music, orchestral strings, d'n'b drums and vocals on the top of lungs (always whispering, crying, talking but rarely really singing).

They have no peculiarities. They are no special. They just are.


Початок продажу квитків у касі кінотеатру Кінопанорама з 01.09
Вартість квитків у передпродажу – 30 грн.
Вартість квитків у день концерту – 50 грн.

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